Accordingly, a three-pronged strategy was called for – reducing the US budget deficit to decrease government dissaving, raising economic growth abroad relative to the US in order to stimulate US exports and increasing the flexibility of exchange rates, especially in China, to facilitate the adjustment. 因此,各方呼吁执行一种三管齐下策略削减美国预算赤字以改善美国政府入不敷出的状况;提高其它国家相对于美国的经济增长速度,以刺激美国出口;提升汇率的灵活性尤其是人民币以促成相关的调整。
For a country with an unsustainable current account deficit, this is necessary and inevitable adjustment, not a catastrophic event against which one should seek insurance. 对于一个经常账户赤字不可持续的国家而言,这是一次必要且无法避免的调整,而非一个应寻求保护的灾难性事件。
However, with the trade deficit in the US and other countries shrinking, some economists fear China could yet face a wrenching adjustment in its external accounts. 不过,随着美国和其它国家的贸易逆差缩小,一些经济学家担心,中国仍可能面对一次外部账户的痛苦调整。
If not, the advantages trade deficit countries receive from pushing the full burden of adjustment on to trade surplus countries will be overwhelmed by a global environment of deep mistrust and hostility. 否则,如果把全部调整负担都强加给贸易顺差国家,那么贸易逆差国家从中得到的好处,将被充斥着严重不信任和敌意的国际环境所吞噬。
Her proposal is tougher fiscal discipline, along with limited emergency financing, at high interest rates, with deficit countries forced to make rapid and brutal adjustment. 她建议严格财政纪律,并辅之以高利率的有限紧急融资安排,从而迫使赤字国家迅速开展无情调整。
Reducing the budget deficit by cutting spending alone, as Republicans insist, means that the burden of adjustment will fall almost entirely on those with low and middle incomes, since those with high incomes do not benefit much from federal programmes. 单单通过削减支出来降低预算赤字就像共和党人所坚持主张的那样意味着,调整的负担将几乎完全落在那些中低收入人群身上,原因在于那些高收入人群从联邦福利项目中受益不大。
As the result of the global imbalance, the developed deficit countries impose the burden of adjustment to the surplus countries, and force their currencies to appreciate. 由于全球国际收支失衡日趋严重,拥有较多话语权的西方逆差国越来越多地把调整的负担强加给顺差国,对顺差国的汇率施加升值压力。
The financial deficit is a means of macro adjustment and control, the key to appraise it is to see the macro-economic situation. 财政赤字是宏观调控的手段,对其评价,关键是看宏观经济状况和社会总需求小于总供给,财政赤字就是好的;
However, the persistence of trade deficit and its future adjustment are eroding the foundation of dollar privilege, and putting the world economy, especially the foreign economic activities in developing countries into uncertain risks. 但贸易逆差的继续发展和未来的调整势必会影响美元特权地位的巩固,使世界经济特别是发展中国家的国际经济活动面临极大的风险。